Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Ep 5: By Balloon to the Sahara; Choose Your Own Adventure #3 (pt. 2 of 2)
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
(1:22) The unfortunately named Professor Hardly Wright as insane Russian Czar with terminal case of brain-fever; (6:47) Breaking Free: a brief sermon by Pastor Bryan Ward; (12:00) duh this book has aliens: Gimme Some Kinda Funky Space Name; (14:40) d%@king around in a cave and the death of Don Rickles; (18:26) more d&%$ing around in a cave and the fog of memory; (22:00) Invisicops starring a dead Steve Gutenberg; (27:57) Viking sand mummies got nukes; (30:00) sweet Jesus are we doing Epcot again?! (41:00) cannibal v. mammoth outro
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Ep 4: By Balloon to the Sahara; Choose Your Own Adventure #3 (pt. 1 of 2)
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
(2:30) D. Terman: an author whose day job is nuking the earth and owning an island; (11:00) Mandatory discussion of Epcot Center; (13:16) Greenpeace for runaway pirate children; (17:53) Ride the whale; (19:40) The lovechild of Dick Wolf and Enya; (22:00) Arabian Nights and Alien Days; (31:28) The ennui of shark-death and Napoleon’s hot air balloon; (38:10) Nietzsche 2: The Lion King Is Dead, Little Boy God Has Killed Him
Monday May 20, 2019
Ep 3: Journey Under the Sea; Choose Your Own Adventure #2 (pt. 2 of 2)
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
(3:15) riding a whale, a thing that happens; (8:01) great grottoes in world history; (13:41) have a cup of coffee as an underwater theater director; (28:34) Underwater Farming/Bestiality v. Playing the Sharkbone Flute v. The Wild Stallions v. Wyld Stallyns; (37:00) unending get-off-my-lawn rant by Atlantis PhD Bill; (40:25) Tilt-a-Whirl Kids in Space; (42:58) The Shaggs Philosophy of the World & Tom Cruise: Scientology Redeemed
Thursday May 09, 2019
Ep 2: Journey Under the Sea; Choose Your Own Adventure #2 (pt. 1 of 2)
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
R.A. Montgomery ghost writing controversy (2:20), Bill prophesies the Netflix use of CYOA and Tangerine Dream (4:40), the age of turtlenecks (8:30), reverse little mermaid (18:15), The unspeakable taboo of society repeatedly violated not 30 minutes into the 2nd episode of this podcast. Consider skipping this part if you have a family, had a family, might have a family in the future, or have met people who have families. (21:02), cookies at Nathaniel Hawthorne’s cottage and the Walden scam (30:58), kelp. Lots and lots of kelp (39:36), PhD in Atlantis (44:00)
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Ep 1: The Cave of Time; Choose Your Own Adventure #1
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Reading Roulette: Choose Your Own Adventure Podcast. Episode 1: The Cave of Time, CYOA #1 by Edward Packard.
The inaugural episode!
Jurassic Park V: No Narrative (1:35); our Faulty Reasoning For Beginning This Project (5:55); Medieval Times laughs at you (13:20); Abe Lincoln: Fortune Teller (17:07); the history of cartoon mustaches (25:15); EP predicts (invents) Netflix and its cultural consequences (36:18); unconscious cave people or spaceship (41:50); tuberculosis and time travel (58:00).